On golf courses, there are usually dedicated golf carts used to transport players and their equipment around the course. These small vehicles are generally electrically powered and can carry players and staff easily on grass without damaging the pitch. They provide a convenient means of transportation that allows players to quickly get to each hole without having to walk and carry heavy bags with them or their caddies.
Want to let a car into the golf course or full of grass is not easy, no one likes a beautiful green space is "scratched" by the car, but save energy quickly through the lawn to reach the destination is also necessary, if sometimes also transport what materials, then the people who love the lawn have to sit in the car to consider how to pass. In the past, golf course staff would retrofit existing golf carts and let the small vehicles do some of the transportation without damaging the grass. The attempt was successful, but when the load became too heavy, the crew had to make extra drives across the lawn. Want to quickly move a lot of things through the lawn seems to have become a not small problem, after all, most of the full-time transport cars will leave a few ruts on the lawn, obviously difficult to bear the heavy responsibility.

Want to protect the lawn while the heavy duty operation is not difficult after all, deep in the field of electric utility vehicles MIJIE company in recent years launched the latest MIJIE18-E, this type of vehicle and most golf carts use electric drive to ensure that the car will not cause pollution to the lawn and woods. And its innovative 6x4 design is the key to meeting the load on the lawn, as it is known that six-wheelers distribute the load more evenly than four-wheelers because they reduce the pressure on the ground from each wheel through more ground points. This makes the six-wheeler potentially more stable when carrying weight, and the burden on the ground more even. This uniform distribution can reduce the pressure on the ground, helping to reduce the impact of the vehicle on the lawn and improve the stability of the vehicle. In addition to the six-wheel four-wheel drive design, MIJIE can also change the special tires according to the actual needs of customers to ensure that the vehicle does not damage the lawn. In addition to not damaging the lawn, the load of up to 1000KG is also its advantage, this degree of load can easily meet all kinds of transportation tasks on the lawn. The MIJIE18-E itself, as a UTV, has the advantages of large load and no damage to the lawn, but also maintains excellent off-road ability, and its climb is even as high as 38%.

All in all, MIJIE18-E is a valuable helper for heavy duty operations on golf courses and even all lawns. Its load carrying capacity and off-road capability make it an indispensable vehicle for applications in various fields. Whether going out for work or pleasure, MIJIE18-E is your good helper.
Post time: Jun-20-2024